Warm summer water of 23c and higher out there in the Hauraki Gulf right now, at the surface anyway and the inshore snapper must be extra-red with sunburn lately with the bright sunny clear skies above whether windy or not. The spa-pool like waters seem to be affecting many of the larger snapper specimens out in the open gulf i.e. snoozing a lot, yet those Young Ones seemingly have an endless ability to bite, the way to grow bigger after all. When the bite is slow and more tentative โ€“ the technique has been key to coming home with good snapper i.e. being schooled by the fish as to what they will react and bite at. The best discovery this week was the technique that came

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Kingfish are a reasonable alternate bet, the usual pins and places out wider in the gulf but also some good specimens are being caught closer in like the Noises and Ahaaโ€™s in amongst the burley trails of stray-liners. Also a few little workups out from the Ahaaโ€™s as well, small but great fun when they light up.

Can you feel it? That instant goosebump surge when you first detect a fish is biting, and you strike, coming up solid, yesโ€ฆfish on! Treat yourself to a dayโ€™s fishing, soul food and much more to be had.
